­¿Qué son estas ranuras? 


­Son ranuras PCIe, y permiten conectar dispositivos extra a la placa base como una tarjeta gráfica.


­Permiten conectar distintos dispositivos de almacenamiento, como por ejemplo discos duros.


­Son ranuras de expansión y permiten conectar tarjetas adicionales como tarjetas de vídeo o de red.


­Son ranuras para colocar la memoria RAM.

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Recommended excursions:


  1. Live Quizzes

    Live Quizzes allows you to launch quizzes and polls in real time to get instant feedback.

    To launch a 'Live Quiz' you have to access to a presentation and click on the 'Launch' button placed at the bottom of the quiz you want to use. Take into account that the 'Launch' button is not present when you are previewing a presentation with the editor. When you launch a live quiz, a 'quiz session' is created on the ViSH platform, which will store all the quiz results and stats. Once a 'quiz session' is created, you will be able to access it (and therefore to view the results and stats) on the ViSH Platform at any time.

    After you launch a live quiz using the 'Launch' button placed at the bottom of the quiz, a new screen will pop up ('live quiz screen') displaying several elements:

    If you want to 'close' the live quiz you should click on the 'Stop' button placed at the bottom right. After you close a live quiz no more answers will be allowed and stored. You can also close a live quiz from the ViSH platform at any time. When you close a live quiz, you can optionally specify a name to facilitate its later searching on the ViSH.

    If you exit from the live quiz screen, you can come back at any time by clicking on the 'Options' button placed at the bottom of the quiz. Notice that if a quiz has been launched, the 'Launch' button is replaced by a 'Options' button. Once you close the live quiz, the 'Launch' button will appear again. Finally, bear in mind that you can not launch more than one live quiz at the same time.

  1. Adding external slides to your presentation

    Here you can see a preview of the presentation that you have decided to import. You can insert all the slides of the presentation or select the ones that you want to insert.

    Taking into account that all slides are selected by default, if you want to insert the whole presentation you just have to click on the 'Add Slides' button placed at the bottom right.

    If you want to select specific slides to import, the following instructions will help you:

    Use the arrows placed at the bottom to navigate between the slides of the presentation.

    Selected slides have a green border while unselected slides have a red border .

    To select or unselect the current slide you are viewing, click on the 'Select/Unselect Slide' button placed at the bottom center.

    Moreover, you can use the following buttons to select or unselect all the slides at once.

    Finally, to insert the selected slides you have to click on the 'Add slides' button placed at the bottom right. Notice that the quantity of slides that you are going to insert is indicated at the left of this button.